03 October 2006

hey hey!

watched Stay Alive yesterday. TOTAL FREAKINESS!!!! omgoodiness it was like so scary! hahahaha so like i was half watching it cos there wasent ever a minute where nothing scary would happen. hahahahaha..

Anyways!! ben and i have decided never to watch scary movies ever. cos i dont like it plus he dosent really like watching 'em. But he did say the Stay Alive was a Good scary movie. i beg to differ cos i absolutely detests scary shows and!! i watched Stay Alive cos i thought it was interesting and i could take the scariness.. hahaha.. Boy was i damn friggin wrong. the starting already scared me!! hahahaha

anyways after that we went to kopitiam to eat dinner. then headed home. hahaha. =) tmr might go swimming. not real sure about that. hahaha =)

Oh yah! sunday went out with mich sim!! wanted to buy our shoes.. but sadly! it wasent available anymore! haix. so sad. so we went shopping for other stuff, bought ben some stuff! cos i havent bought him stuff in a loooooong time plus i only give him stuff i make. hahahahaha.. not that he isnt happy with that. hahahahha.

thats all for now!!BYE!

rambled at 20:37

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

