16 February 2008

so proteo was all fine and dandy but after that!!! omyfreakingosh #$%@%#%$^@!$@@ !!!!!!

To whoever you are!!!!
I hope you get involved in a terrible accident loose yr limbs,become impotent, fail all yr freakin modules, never ever ever make it big in life, never find love and have all the people around you do sth bad to you!!!

This is like totally unholy behaviour but i dont give a fuck shit. What an ass wipe!!! my poor poor poor logbook and other belongings! ='(

Thank God Gordon Lim was there when it happened! if not i'd have to die a horrible death not being able to hand in my log book. i like Dr Lim he's nice and funny! hur hur. Ah wells its times like these when you see how yr friends are all there for you despite them not being as close as you thought! ahahahhahaa.. i so totally adore the line "when you find out who the person is, tell me, i beat him up for you!"(in chinese). it cracks me up! hahaha.

so 1 more paper left and a final presentation. Then i'm free! Yay!

Oh yes valentine's was a no show as usual. Amazing how in our 2 and abit then half years of relationship, not once have we celebrated it! hahaha.. but he made me a flower and i'm happy with it!heehee. its really pretty! tmr we're gonna catch a movie and imma gonna buy him a army phone.. hahahahahah! practical gifts are the way to go people!!! dun go buying senseless rubbish!!! PRACTICAL-ness is the key! hahaha.

Well thats all for now!

P.s Survivor is totally rockin my socks (which are soaking in a pail now no thx to refer to the above)!

rambled at 02:23

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

