22 September 2008

Finally biochem test 3 is over!
my expectations arnt really high for this one. but i know i did my best! =)

ben's gone in once again. but we will be talking as always. hehe. i'm truly truly proud of him. And he's such a sweetie. he went over to my place yesterday to wish my maid a happy birthday and gave her a gift from the both of us then he had a chat with my mommy. haha. =)

tonight i shall be parked infront of the telly till about 9.30 or so. heh heh! my brain needs some down time before i start on the lab reports which are due on thursday.

here's sth new i learnt today:

the amount of DNA in our body when stretched out, is long enough to reach the sun and back 50times. everybody say zomg! i bet you never knew that. hahaha. imagine that. all compact in our bodies. amazing eh.

alrighty time to go eat. hahah.
i love my room mate. hahah!

rambled at 18:11

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

