25 October 2008

so yesterday i finally finished going through biochem ONCE. there's freakin alot to memorise but everything is all linked in one gigantic ball so i can do it! heh. have to psyche myself out.

ANYWAYS! i'm bored. i finally started on genetics but the way the notes are put totally makes me want to not study. sickening. it annoys me.

other things that annoy me:
1. Freakin music on blogs.
-seriously music isnt going to make yr blog any better. and its damn annoying! plus it wastes my credit! haha!

2. Freaks.
- people seriously need to move on with their lives. Or in worse case scenarios Get one!

thats all i can think of.

I've started to rewatch How i met yr mother. i agree with nicole, the second time round it seems to finish faster! hahah. its weird. "i crap you not" hahah.

Barney is still as funny as ever! hurhur!

Alrighty back to the books! seeya!
shall be getting pies later. heh. spending too much money on outside food already. but then again the roommate and i are at a loss as to what to eat anymore. we've got tons of pasta and noodles but insufficient sauces. crap.


rambled at 15:54

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

