05 April 2009

Ben's got field cap this week and next week. but at least he's still out on the weekends! Yay!

Heh. i'm feeling so unmotivated man. i just feel like going home and never come back after this semester ends sometimes. But for the sake of my future and family i'll have to just suck it up and get through honors. Bleah. i'm a very home person. i love home and i love staying in it. =(

haha. if i were a guy i'd totally be the loser who lives at home with his parents until he's like 40. hahahahahaha.

On the bright side! mom and dad are coming soon! YAY! family!! hahaha. i miss home lah. mostly Ben but i miss home too. hahahaha.

mafia wars is getting on my nerves. i never get the loot i want!! stupid game. giving me rubbish loot instead of the loot i need to do a job!! >=(

And the stupid mousehunt levels up soooo slowly... hahaha. i think i'm just annoyed cos its that time of the month and i'm hating it. shit mans.

I have this sinking feeling i wont be doing very well this sem and it makes me very very sad. =( i dont even know how to save myself lah! damn sad. heh.
oh depression.. it might be on my doorstep about to start knocking on my door. sucks sucks sucks.

I need to do sth about my life.
it sucks that i'm growing older.
i wanna stay in my teens!! well more of in the poly times. those were damn good times.

Well the bright side to this time flying like nobodys business thing is that soon i'll be getting my ass on a plane weather my parents like it or not and fly myself home for the winter until Honors starts.

I dont think i wld be feeling this way if Ben was here with me. It all boils down to the damn NS system. I hate it so much. Ass wipes who changed the system!

i'm angsty and oh so bored now. so i shall just sit down and study BOE and wait for my que to call ben.

Damn. i think i'm in one of those rut things.

rambled at 23:00

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

