08 October 2010

woe is the life of the unemployed :(


i already feel my brain cells slowly dying. urgh.

so besides looking for a job, i've been spending my days driving around and doing stuff i have no business doing because its totally not my problem. But because of SOMEBODY i dont have a choice. sianz to the MAX.

Seriously. if you want to graduate do the work freakin-self.
Seriously. if you dont have the capacity to do the work dont freakin offer yr help just to ultimately shove it all to me just cos i have nothing to do.


the MORONS out there in the world...

then again i'm probably a moron for actually doing it instead of walking away from it.

Annoying. its things like these that change a relationship. so for now. you really suck. >:(

On the bright side! mums back from greece tomorrow! then its eat pray love with the sister at night.

heh heh. Hell's kitchen is so drama filled! i like! and gleee is sooo good! love ANTM too! me thinks Ann will get to the final 3! kendel and jane should be kicked out in the next 2 weeks or maybe liz.. hmmm. either way high chances none of them will win.

SURVIVOR! OMG! why are there so many nikesha haters?!? i think she's damn good! Just cos kelly b has one leg dosent mean she should be treated differently! Totally support her! i think chace and fabio are morons and OMG marty! annoying POS. hahahaha.

Anyhows besides watching all this awesome american TV i've been hanging out with the minions. Clare is a totally cutey despite her random outburst of ear piercing screams. hahahahah.

On to other irrelevant news. i really need to exercise. :( sucks to be me.


rambled at 04:43

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

