29 December 2010

Merry Belated Christmas!!!

technically though it still is christmas because there are like 12 days to this awesome occasion! hahaha.

Anyways! christmas week was awesome fun and so has been post christmas week thus far! Loves it!! the only upsetting thing was seeing alexlewbanchoon dearest go. :( will miss him many many many. such a good friend he is :D

so this week i've been to malaysia for the first time in like 8 years. Go-kart-ed for the first time in over 10 years (OMG). met different people. been to church two days in a row for service because christmas was on a saturday. driven to tampinese mall for the first time. parked at the budget terminal for the first time. seen the exact same milk lorry and driven behind it twice while driving out of bishan. Night cycled for so mudderfrickin long. been to Changi Village for the first time. Had like the most awesomest dessert at said location (Damn yummy. I like!). let ben drive the sx4 on the express way for the first time. AND got totally annoyed with a certain company so early in the frickin morning.

Quite a few firsts in the span of 2 days i must say. hahaha. Now its time to get ben's lazy ass out of bed so he wont be late. terrible. hahaha. me thinks its gonna be a long night tonight and i've so much catch up tv to catch up on. HAHAHA.

Plans for tomorrow? Pedicure with bestie and walkabout! hahaha.

Man the year has just wizzed by. just like that and we're about to step into 2011. AND here i am still jobless as ever. sigh. at this rate i might be forced to join the army. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. omg lah ben will totally slap me for saying that. but for all i know the army might not even want me. HAHA.

but still i have to keep my hopes high and have faith that God will open doors for me and bless me with best job EVER!. :)

So here's wishing everyone a blessed 2011. :D


michelle <3

rambled at 18:50

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

