02 April 2005

this is becoming a habit.. therefore i demand that msn stops being a byotch and lets me in!!!!!!

ok anyways after much thought about my life(i figured reflecting on my sleep life was better then killing my brain cells that wont grow back) michelle has once again become dependent on her bolster. dun ask. i just realised it a few moments ago. so anyway back to my point. being to dependent on my bolster is not good. i should switch back to spongebob. nono.i shdnt be dependent on anything. bleah. i'm talking to myself.

so yah. i'm becoming a baby. tthis is not good. i think i'm worse then a baby. not even my cousin hugs anything when she sleeps. woe is me. i have to hug my bolster to get to sleep. hahahaha. gawd i sound like some spasmo who has no life, loves her bolster to death and talks to herself. michelle needs saving.saving from boredom that is! hahahaa. since msn still wont be a nice byotch i shall hop of to my room and try to stay away from my bolster and spongebob.
i need schoool to start now!

rambled at 00:21

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

