01 February 2010

its FEB! the month of CNY and Vday! Both of which i'll not be spending in SG :( saddddnesss. but nonetheless! its only for this one year. so its cool! kinda.

Moving on!

Ben has the funniest reactions to instances where i use profanity on him or sth i'm utterly upset about. HAHA.

reaction 1: HEY!


reaction 3: why you scold me?

there are others that go along the lines of me being so tiny i shouldnt be using foul language. hur hur. yesterday he upset me so i called him a bitch. hahaha. stupid boy. but its all good now. trivial matters. hahahaha. The whole thing amused me. :)

Anyhows. i just hit me yesterday that i am actually officially legal to sign for my own handphone plans and other adult things (e.g credit cards). i'm so used to my parents doing those things for me :( i dont want it to change!!! heh.

Its still really hot out. sucks. i thought i was down with a fever this morning lah. cos i was feeling hot then cold then hot again then cold. but after i woke up it was just HHHHHOOOOOOOTTTTTTT. At the moment its 30C with winds moving at a measely 10KM/h. heh.

On a totally different note. OMG! Uncle Lee is engaged! hahaha. he FINALLY proposed to his gf! awwwww.

Ok i'm done.


rambled at 11:00

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

