06 March 2005

Because i'm So bored i shall add another entry. this entry shall be in proper english free from "..." and "hahahas", but if you do see the above mentioned, i am really sorry. It's a bad habit and i can't help it! =)))
Anyway, if you want to know how i spent my day, scroll down and click the back then button. thanks!

Back to the entry.
first topic: Trucker caps or any caps of any sort! Why the hell do people wear them? Seriously! if you hate your hair so much go shave it then! its not like singapore is so darn hot! i mean if you are a tourist then i guess it's fine but if yr singaporean and have been exposed to this sort of weather for your whole damn life. sheesh! Stupid looking hats and i must say a very disgusting fashion statement! espeacially those guys who wear those purple trucker hats! like EEEWWWWWW... how gay are you man!??!!?! ah yes! those freaking lians who wear visors! like "hello! the shopping centre very sunny isit??? scared yr face kana chao ta ah???"

one word: D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G!

next topic: Pink , even though i maybe in the pink clan [secondary school stuff] and like the color to a rather large extent, i think its very very very very very very very grosse that its all over the streets now. like OMG! look left, look right, look behind and look straight, you are sure to find at least 3 people wearing pink be it guys or girls. guys that wear pink are just sick! Even though i think they have alot of guts to actually put on the shirt, i still say they are S.I.C.K! The worst is when a bunch of lians all go out wearing pink! tts just sick, digusting, lian-ish and they all deserve to be shot!

ok thats all i have to say. if you don't understand a single thing i said. you can pretty much tell why i'm going to the polytechnic. i have practically lost all my composition writing skills and yeah.. an A2 for english? i myself am rather shocked. it pays to smile and say nice things to your oral examiner e.g "have a nice day! [+ a ginormous smile]"

this is out of point but, i cant wait for my hair to grow longer!!!!!!! i can finally go layer it again. yay!

ciaoz ma peeps!

rambled at 20:33

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

