30 September 2008

omg omg omg!
i was reading my dose of tabloid blog and saw sth!! omg! Apparently sth hapened during the first ep of survivor!!! omg! so funny! this guys's dick was totally out and about!!! omg! like SERIOUSLY!!! the dumbass was doing a challenge in his undies and when he ran his dick kinda poked out of the pee hole!! OMG!!!!! and it was totally not censored! everybody GASP and say zomg!!! its a totally gasping and zomg-ing moment right!!!!

Anyways. Chicken rice day was gooood. hahaha. nicole and geri's cheesecake was freakin AWESOME! well done you two! =) the chicken was nice.. hahahaha.

Royal perth show tmr!!! YAY!!!! i mght not be able to sleep tonight due to the excitedness. hahahaha.

because i'm such a huge survivor fan. i'm VERY tempted to watch the new season right now. BUT I SHALL ren and hope to God that they will show it here soon!!!

October is coming! which means!!!!! 2 months till i see ben my love! hahahaha.

alrighty! bye!

rambled at 00:35

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

