01 October 2008

Hello friends!
October is here! =D
Anyways! we went to the perth royal show!!! omgosh Showbags Galore!!

i've got like 5!!!! hahaha. with some pretty cool stuff! hahaha! pictures once i've uploaded them! heehehe.

so yes we had tons of fun! we left the campus at 1.30 and returned at 10.30++
cos we stayed for the awesome fireworks!! like seriously. front row seats and you can totally see them shooting out from the thing that shoots them out! hahahaha. plus there was this horse thingy before it which was pretty cool too. But the awesomest of all was the fireworks lah. we were like in awe... homemade ones. it was from some family business. and it lasted 20mins. like seriously AWESOME!

hehehe. tons of fun and Hazel bought me a 9weeks of friendship present! LOL. hugeass glasses! once again pictures later! so nicole, hazel and i each have a pair of hugeass glasses cos i was looking around for them first! hehehehehe. they were supposed to come with one of the showbags but they like kinda ran out so i was just scouting for other things which came with it. THEN we found a shop that sold it. so hazel decided she wanted a pair and got me one as well. haha. she's cool like that. hahaha.

oh yes i was gonna get a spongebob showbag but thennnnnn it was soooldddd out. =( sucks. oh wells! next time then! hahaha.

Later it's off to harbour town with the girls!!! love love! haha. SHOPPING!!!!!

Ohoh! yesterday i was superbly distracted and started dl-ing new gadgets for my sidebar! lol!! i've got a new countdown timer, a quicklaunch thingy and tetris on my sidebar now! hahaha. cools... i think the tetris will terribly distract me. hahahaha.

Watched gossip girl with the roomie just now too! everything is like sooooo screwed up. like ohmygoshh what is happening to all of them?!!?!?
Also caught a bit of desperate housewives then the stupid surf the channel screwed up and wouldnt let us watch the rest! >=(
Gabby is super grosse now cos she's not hot anymore. plus her kids are freakin fat. sooo not cute. Sad to say i will never allow my kids to be that fat! this may be a sign that i shouldnt have kids. hahaha!

ok i shall hit the bed soon cos i've got a date with ben tmr morning! hehehe. poor ben is ill. hope he gets well soon!


rambled at 01:10

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

