06 January 2010

Dang its Hot!

Thank God Almighty the office is air-conditioned! :D

Anywhoooooss. TV season is starting up again! and peeps are slowly but surely making their way back to perth. hahaha. So YAY for people and shows! US TV is the ultimate <3.

hmmmm. i shall make plans to go to harbour town sometime and check out my shoes. hahaha. Oh let there pls be discounts and sizes! haahhaha. its horrible my shoe habits. But hey! they are my true one and constant material love. :D Bags and clothes not so much. But Shoes! oh shoes i love many many.
Even dear old dad has been asking me if my shoes have gone on discount yet! hahaha. All cos Ben disclosed to them my shoe buying habits... horrible boy. But he had good intentions too lah. he thought my parents would offer to buy the shoes for me regardless the price. but even then.. still very ex.

I also need to get my SV admin stuff done. Bleah. so much to do and it dosent help that i reach home way after admin closes. crap.

Hmm. i've been fb alot alot. damn my lack of discipline! i've been playing zoo world quite alot. hahahahaha. its terrible!! :(

When i get home(sg) whenever that is i shall make my Dad bring me for a knee check up. i think its seriously screwed lah. Or maybe i got old people illness's HAHAHAHA.

ok i shall stop now. BYE!

rambled at 16:06

past / present

once an mg girl always an mg girl!=)
ngeeannpoly biotechnology!
murdoch university


My lovlies!
*amanda my PAL!*
*hui maan*
*KeWei fanclub =)*

